Soaking the Mountain

My home range is transitioning from verdant Western North American temperate coniferous forest to desert. The decline in annual precipitation in tandem with the rising average ambient temperatures has already altered this land significantly since I arrived in Plumas County CA in the summer of 1986.We face a future that will be very different than we may have foreseen before the climate disaster in progress on a global scale became obvious. Doing our best will necessarily include learning as much as we can about technologies developed over millennia for the conservation and storage of water.Earth is a vessel, literally, and thousands of years ago humans faced death by dehydration and/or starvation during long periods of persistent drought. Organic technology deployed in Spain a thousand years ago, presently being restored, may prove relevant, perhaps even critical, to the Pacific Northwest US.Moreover, any "machinery" built a thousand years ago that stands ready for refurbishment today should allow us to ponder the intense irrelevance of our commercialized "reality".

Spring time: why an ancient water system is being brought back to life in Spain

"the idea is to “soak the mountain” so that water can be stored in aquifers to be used in times of drought"We have much to relearn, and much to discover.


Playing With Blocks and Whipping Their Chains


Raising the Bar